The New Normal
In The New Normal, Peter Hinssen explains how companies may address a society without digital limits. Quite poignantly, Peter points out that organizations are increasingly faced with customers and consumers...

A number of new rules will apply in the New Normal. Consumers will have zero tolerance of digital failure. They will expect to get Internet access any time, anyplace. Internet and connectivity will be just as ubiquitous as electricity. Consumers will demand fulfillment of their information needs instantaneously. The effect on companies will be tremendous. They were just getting used to coping with a 24-hour economy, and now they will have to cope with the ‘experience economy’: customers will demand interaction with providers of services and products on their conditions. They will expect the digital user experience to be easy and interesting. Every interaction with a customer must be viewed as a ‘make or break’ moment for the relationship with the customer.
In `The New Normal’, Peter Hinssen looks at the way companies have to adapt their information strategy, their technology strategy, their innovation strategy and the way they are organized internally. This book is an interesting read for any manager who is concerned with the future of his company as it is hit by the digital revolution.