Radar - by nexxworks December

Once a month Radar podcast host Steven Van Belleghem and his nexxworks friends Peter Hinssen, Pascal Coppens, Julie Vens - De Vos and Laurence Van Elegem bring you the latest trends and news in business, technology and all things related to innovation.

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December 20, 2023

First things first. We say goodbye to long time Radar member and nexxworks employee Laurence Van Elegem. She's the one who started the podcast at nexxworks and features on most episodes since February 2021. Thanks for the years of dedication Laurence!

In this brand new episode, Steven, Peter, Pascal and Julie talk first about The North Face's (fake?) PR stunt, how Temu is taking over the world with cheap and fast products, Julie reflects on the OpenAI saga, then onto Steven's High Value Service Agents and Peter wraps it up for Christmas with some controversial optimism heading into 2024...

We've got some exciting developments in the mix for Radar next year.
Hope to keep having your continued support!

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December 20, 2023