nexxworks is moving into the Metaverse, exclusively virtually.
Belgian company moves all activities to the virtual world.

Ghent-April 1, 2022 - nexxworks announces today, through CEO Julie Vens-De Vos, that the company is closing its offices and will only be found virtually in the metaverse.
All physical programs that were scheduled will be converted to the metaverse.
"We are constantly inspiring and connecting our customers around the world about what 'The Day After Tomorrow' (Peter Hinssen) will look like for their business. By completely removing ourselves from the physical world and converting all programs to virtual activities, we are already operating from our own 'Day After tomorrow'"

Julie Vens - De Vos
The 20th century was the era of making things. The 21st must be the age of imagination. The future cannot be designed, but will emerge from the context we design for it. With this approach, we want to make it clear to our customers that there will only be one world to enter, the virtual one.
"Since the end of 2021, we noticed a constant demand for this. Our customers are in the dark about this technological turnaround, we are happy to provide a quick and targeted answer. That's the way it should be for a company that attaches great importance to customer-centricity"

Eline Lostrie
Connecting with peers is in our DNA, but if all our customers find each other in the metaverse, it can be very cozy and connective.
Whether the 20+ employees of the inspiration company are ready for this, is received with great enthusiasm by COO Matthias De Clercq;
"We have of course been working on this process for a while, since January we are dry-running, our employees unanimously agree that this is the only right direction to serve our clients, we practice what we preach"

Matthias De Clercq
Nexxworks' globally dispersed customers are being personally notified today, from the Metaverse that is.
About nexxworks
Nexxworks was founded in 2014 with the clear mission of convincing every organization they need to dedicate at least 10% of their time and resources to be ready for "The day after Tomorrow," after the book by founder Peter Hinssen. By bringing the right stories, inspiration, and interactions nexxworks guides to find direction, create enthusiasm and kickstart the action and mindset for the day after tomorrow.