How to let customers speed up a company
One of the most profound management theories of recent years is nexxworks Partner Peter Hinssen ’s Thermodynamics of Organisations. He believes that when start-ups grow, they shift from being SUPERFLUID...

How To Fluidify – KPI Killing & Algorithms
I’m certain that some of you are thinking “That’s insane. Customers want us to be efficient and you cannot accomplish that without fixed processes and procedures”. Yes, in a physical human world, that statement is true. On the scale that organizations are operating these days, human efforts do have to be proceduralized. But this is a digital world. It is ruled by algorithms, which do have the ability to read, assess and automate responses to your customers faster, better and more personalized than ever before. They allow us to move and change as fast as the customer so we can give them what they want, how and when they want it. Customer Analytics, in all its forms, is the way to liquefy your organisation’s response to the customer.
“If the market quickens and you don’t, your relative speed slows down and you are in danger of becoming RIGID.”
“Ok, but how will I be able to measure success, then, if I can’t assess the efficiency of our processes in the places where fluidity matters most?”, is what you’re probably thinking next. You will need to change your KPIs obviously. In a Pull Market, your customer is your biggest metric. Not your operational efficiency. Not your EBITDA. Not your Gross Profit Margin. Not your Cost per Lead. Not your Training Return on Investment. Not “please fill in anything you usually measure here”. Your Customers. They drive the market. They determine your products. They are the ones who make or break a company. `Soft’ KPIs – anchored upon values – are what should determine your success: how wonderful the experience of your customers was, how they were treated by your employees and how inclined they are to recommend you to their peers.
Ironically, for most companies, wanting to be faster and more efficient is precisely what slows them down. Because they still believe that smooth processes equal efficiency which equals speed. But human velocity – even if it is efficient – can never measure up to the acceleration of this market. If the market quickens and you don’t, your relative speed is slowing down. Today, the only right way to accelerate an organisation, is to create an almost untamed area of urgency and resilience around your customer, tailoring every action to his fickle moves. THAT is how your customers can speed you up. If you let them.